E-mail: lqmpsy@126.com
(1) 心理健康的脑与认知神经机制研究及教育干预,包括中小学生考试焦虑、社交障碍与教师职业倦怠的神经机制与干预研究;
(2) 利用行为学方法、经颅磁刺激(TMS)、经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)、脑电记录(EEG/ERP)等技术,研究如何降低物质使用障碍患者的渴求,从而治疗其睡眠障碍等。
(1)Liu,Q. #, Shen, Y. #, Cao, X. #, Li, Y. #, Chen, Y., Yang, W., & Yuan, T.F. (2017). Either at left or right, both high and low frequency rTMS ofdorsolateral prefrontal cortex decreases cue induced craving formethamphetamine. The American journal on addictions, 26(8), 776–779. (SSCI,IF=2.37, JCR Q3)
(2)Zhang,L., Wang L., Guo, B., Qian, Y., Liu, Q. (2020). A world renownedpsychophysiologist: Kaoliang Chow. Protein & Cell. In press. (SCI,IF=10.16, JCR Q1,correspondingauthor)
(3)Huang,X. #, Chen, Y. Y. #, Shen, Y. #, Cao, X. #, Li, A. #, Liu, Q. #, … Yuan, T. F. (2017).Methamphetamine abuse impairs motor cortical plasticity and function. Molecularpsychiatry, 22(9), 1274–1281. (SCI/SSCI, IF=11.64, JCR Q1)
(4)Zhang,Y., Yang, Z., Lu, H., Zhou, X., Phillips, Liu, Q., & Wang, S.(2016). Facial Emotion RecognitionBased on Biorthogonal Wavelet Entropy, Fuzzy Support Vector Machine, andStratified Cross Validation. IEEE Access, 4, 8375-8385. (SCI, IF=4.08, JCR Q1)
(5)Lei,Y., Dou, H., Liu, Q., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., & Li, H. (2017).Automatic processing of emotional words in the absence of awareness: thecritical role of P2. Front Psychol, 8(8). (SSCI, IF=2.56,JCR Q2)
(6)Liu,X., Zhao, X., Liu, T., Liu, Q., Tang, L., Zhang, H., Luo, W.,Daskalakis, Z. J., & Yuan, T. F. (2020). The effects of repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation on cue-induced craving in male patients with heroin usedisorder. EBioMedicine, 56, 102809. (SCI, IF=6.29, JCR Q2)
(7)Liu,X., Zhao, X., Shen, Y., Liu, T., Liu, Q., Tang, L., Zhang, H., Luo, W.,& Yuan, T. F. (2020). The effects of DLPFC-targeted repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation on craving in male methamphetamine patients. Clinicaland translational medicine, 10(2), e48. (SCI, IF=7.92, JCR Q1)
(8)刘庆明, 杨印杭,& 李红. (2015). 大学生依恋类型与应对方式的相关性. 中国健康心理学杂志, 23(012), 1854-1858.
(9)杨印杭, 孙龙, & 刘庆明. (2015). 抑郁症患者神经内分泌与临床特征的相关性. 中国健康心理学杂志, 06(004), 814-816.
担任PeerJ, Front Psychol, PLOS One, Pakistan Journal of Zoology等杂志审稿人。