王梁燕,1987年出生,博士。2010年毕业于杭州师范大学获得教育学学士学位。2019年毕业于Texas A&M University (德克萨斯农工大学),获得课程与教学论博士学位。主要研究方向:跨文化教育、多媒体教育、数学教育、人工智能教育、教师教育。
· 期刊论文
Walters, L. M.,Green, M. R., Goldsby, D., Walters, T. N., & Wang, L. (2016). Teachingpre-service teachers to make digital stories that explain complex mathematicalconcepts in a real-world context: the" Math-eo" project,creating" cool new tools".The International Journal forTechnology in Mathematics Education, 23(4), 129-145.
Green, M. R.,Walters, L. M., Walters, T., & Wang, L. (2015). Not just another researchpaper: Understanding global sustainability through digital documentary.TheSocial Studies, 106(1), 37-46.
· 著作
Walters, L. M.,Green, M. R., Walters, T. N., & Wang, L. (2015). The examined life: Usingdigital stories to develop the reflective capabilities of pre-serviceteachers about culture and diversity. InTeaching at Work(pp.211-233). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam.